Competition [Special Mention]
Anita's Last Cha-Cha
The Philippines/2013/Color/112min
Language: Filipino / Subtitles: Japanese, English
Sigrid Andrea P. BERNARDO
Teri MALVAR, Angel AQUINO, Marcus MADRIGAL, Lenlen FRIAL, Solomon De GUZMAN
12-year-old tomboy Anita gets a hopeless crush on a 37-year-old woman who returns to her village after a decade away. This charming tale of sexual confusion and pubescent rebellion features a terrific performance from gawky young newcomer Teri MALVAR. Framed as a reminiscence by the adult Anita, this debut by writer-director Sigrid Andrea P. BERNARDO is a portrait of small-town society, with strong supporting characters. Angel AQUINO, who plays the beauteous returnee Pilar, has a great rapport with the younger actress, emphasizing the sweetness of their relationship. BERNARDO keeps the tone light and plays with popular Filipino genres in this rural coming-of-age movie.
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3/15(sat) ABC Hall
3/16(sun) Closing Ceremony
3/9(sun) 16:00
Teijin Hall
3/15(sat) 19:00
ABC Hall
Anita's Last Cha-Cha