Special Programs <Special Focus on Hong Kong 2014>│[Special Screenings in Memory of Run Run Shaw]
Come Drink with Me (大酔侠)
Hong Kong/1966/Color/91min
Language: Cantonese / Subtitles: Japanese
King HU
CHENG Pei-pei, YUEH Hua, CHEN Hung Lieh, YANG Chih-ching
To rescue her brother who has been kidnapped by a ruthless bandit, Two-sword fencer Golden Swallow (CHENG Pei-pei) goes to the bandit's territory by herself. Although fighting bravely against overwhelming odds, she is hit by a poison dart. With help from a legendary swordsman (YUEH Hua), Golden Swallow heads to the enemy's land again... The second film by the maestro King HU, "Come Drink with Me", is a radiant masterpiece in Chinese film history, which established the style of Wuxia (Chinese martial arts) films. The highlights are the dynamic action adapted from Chinese Opera and CHENG Pei-pei's noble bearing. ANG Lee's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", in which CHENG starred, paid homage to this film.
3/9(sun) 19:15 *Sold Out
Cine Nouveau
3/14(fri) 10:30
Cine Nouveau
Come Drink with Me (大酔侠)